Hi blogsville people,
Being itching to come here and talk but work has taken the greater part of my life ds days, so today it’s not like there s nothing to do, tanks to my server that is down, I am free to gist, till it gets fixed. Now why exactly do you think married men pursue single gals? That’s a question I ve begun to ask my self, they are married aren’t they and no one held a gun to their asses to get married so why are they never content. Or is it the strange act of succeeding in deception that dis guys love. Could it be the joy of conquering a new conquest?
I ve been thinking about this for a very long time becos recently yours truly has for a while now acquired a married man who constantly breaths down my neck, promising heaven and more heavens, and the funny part is that, this man is so smooth that he makes the toasting of a young man sound like a joke.
It started one cool afternoon at Anthony village in lag, when I was walking on the road with a gal friend to get to an ATM, because of the long weekend coming I had to get money to spend, we were as usually gisting about improving our careers and when we would start our MBA s when this Passat a 2008/7 model drives up and stops by us, funny I just saw the car pass by a minute ago, so the driver had probably seen something fascinating and revised.
Quickly I entered shut up mode and the dude winds down his glass and goes like
Hi, I know you from somewhere don’t I? In my mind (ol skool pickup lines)
My friend and I exchange looks and I go like Nope, ok the kind gentleman offers us a ride to the GTB bank in Anthony, I refused, but in a quick flash I felt my friend drag me into the car, and we left.
This guy kept questioning me like he knew me from somewhere was going on about, me being a doctor, in my head am going when did I do 6 years in school plus house job and didn’t know it. If a man I barely know is claiming that am a doctor, then so be it. After all the long talk sha, old man begins to toast me, totally ignoring my friend. Ha All ds was like in 7 mins oh, he asked to take me out to dinner, and I totally refused, a man with a golden band running his mouth anyhow.
Ok, he asks for my number, my anxious friend quickly gives it to him, telling me later we could chop from the guy. I quickly reminded her of my first encounter with a married man, where his wife wanted to embrace me (another gist for anoda day) but she went like if the guy messes up, u step back.
The guy has simply not failed to disturb moi, as he calls me every time pleading “jay, lets do this, pls see me, pls do this and that with me and I have refused to do all, now this is someone that is a personal friend to Ex presido baba Ota, and rubs shoulders with strong men in Naija, so what wld he be wanting with me. Plain cute moi ( no hype)
Now his music has changed, he wants to impress me badly, dare I say that if he wasn’t married I would have been tempted but this man, shamefully wants to thrill me , he calls me up on day and goes like “ baby, pls I ve begged you, I want you as a friend cant you see”, You know you would be stupid to think that I don’t want you in my bed but if friendship means more to us then, I ll forget abt that side” and am like dude what do u think, that I am a 2 year old.
Even if I was dat young I wouldn’t be foolish to fool around such. So he says he s giving me a blank Cheque, what ever I want I should tell him, a trip to France or Dubai for shopping anything I wanted, just dat I d have to give him 2 weeks notice, maybe to lie to his pharmacist wife and 3 lovely kids. To say the truth, I was impressed but definitely not to the state of loosing my sanity.
So am wondering, when they ever give up, why don’t they ever, maybe till they win the battle, as for Andy this one he aint winning…….
Pic from randyubong.